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My Why!

My interest in mushroom cultivation started only a few years ago more by accident than actually planed.

Knowing that I was totally into vertical farming but not sure what vegetable I should be growing so that the whole project would be financially worthwhile my girlfriend (now wife) back then mentioned that we should visit a friend of her which is growing and selling mushrooms.

Knowing next to nothing about mushrooms I said yes why not. I had nothing to lose.

He was very kind and showed me his whole farm. But during the visit, I did not get hook at all. But that changed shortly after I went home.

Some weeks after while I was surfing YouTube a video of The Urban Farmer was recommended to me. He was interviewing a colleague of him who is growing mushrooms.

The video hit me like lightning!

That’s exactly what I’m looking for. I have to go there and learn everything from the ground up. Luckily Brian offered back then a free one-month-long internship.

So I packed my luggage and flew to Canada where I arrived on the 1st of April 2017. The second day we had snow.

Before I flew to meet Brian he recommended to me that I should start reading some books so that I understand the theory behind what he was doing.

I did and (almost) never stopped since then.

In interview with Brian and me can be found on YouTube.

I visit other mushroom farmers to learn from their different approaches.

Visiting a mushroom farm in Brazil.

And started growing mushrooms myself. Which means putting into practice what I have learned so far.

One of my 1st attempts.
After some testing and optimization.

But I realized that while we have good materials and information out there about mushroom cultivation I still was not happy, because you have to weed out the good from the crap which was sometimes tedious.

And moreover, I realized that there is a gap between what mushroom farmers were doing and researchers figuring out.

It seemed to me that both sides didn’t really talk to each other.

This is, in my opinion, sad because there is so much room to learn from each other.

The mushroom farmers are hands-on they don’t want to read scientific papers and the researcher sometimes using techniques that are not available for mushroom farmers.

I therefore decided

  1. to overcome this gap by translating the findings of the researcher into a practical recommendation for the mushroom farmers,
  2. to put my knowledge about running a business out there, and
  3. using my background in science to analyze the research papers

in order to help each and every mushroom farmer succeeding with their farms.

Get immediate access now by clicking the button below. I cannot wait to help you get started.

I’m here for you as both a guide and as a friend.

I want to hear your stories. I want to know how else I can help you. I want the Improve Mushroom Cultivation experience to be our experience, together. That’s how we all learn and grow together, including me.

I do my best to respond to emails. I treat everyone equally. And I firmly believe that I’m not special, just a normal guy who enjoys working hard and working smart. In everything, I do here with Improve Mushroom Cultivation, I truly want to make your life better.



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Research-related topics
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