Electrical Stimulation of Shiitake Logs

Transcript There are several methods to initiate the fruiting. There is the introduction of light, The decrease in humidity or temperature, and the reduction of the CO2 level. All these four factors will stimulate pinhead formation. But there might be another method. https://youtu.be/8eSSj_d5fHQ The authors of today’s research article found that stimulating logs with 50,000 … Continue reading Electrical Stimulation of Shiitake Logs

5 Ways to improve the mushroom yield

Transcript If you want to live from growing mushrooms, then the mushroom yield is one aspect you must pay attention to.As the higher the yield, the more revenue you make. While many focus on the obvious one, I will talk about five different ways to improve your mushroom yield in today's video. The first way … Continue reading 5 Ways to improve the mushroom yield

Alternative Substrates for Cultivating Shiitake

https://youtu.be/oMHH6dXuGqM Transcript The search for the optimal substrate continues. In today’s video, I will, therefore, go over a research paper in which the authors investigated four different strains on four different substrates for the cultivation of shiitake.For the substrate, the authors used vineyard pruning, sorghum stubble, sugarcane bagasse, and oak shavings. All substrates were hydrated … Continue reading Alternative Substrates for Cultivating Shiitake