Cardboard as a substrate: What to expect? Transcript In 2018 the United States produced over 67 million tons of paper and paperboard waste. According to the EPA, 68% of this waste got recycled, around 6% got burned to produce electricity, and roughly 26% find its way to the landfill. To address this issue, I want to talk about a research paper … Continue reading Cardboard as a substrate: What to expect?

Alternative Substrates for Cultivating Shiitake Transcript The search for the optimal substrate continues. In today’s video, I will, therefore, go over a research paper in which the authors investigated four different strains on four different substrates for the cultivation of shiitake.For the substrate, the authors used vineyard pruning, sorghum stubble, sugarcane bagasse, and oak shavings. All substrates were hydrated … Continue reading Alternative Substrates for Cultivating Shiitake

Optimizing the Mushroom Yield | Reishi Transcript If you want to increase the mushroom yield, then having the right substrate mixture is an important factor. In today’s video, I go, therefore, over three research papers that tested different substrate types and supplementation to increase the mushroom yield of Ganoderma lucidum, known as Reishi. The first study tested 6 different strains … Continue reading Optimizing the Mushroom Yield | Reishi

Substrate Optimization | Pleurotus cornucopiae Transcript In today’s video, I will talk about two different scientific studies addressing the need to optimize the growing conditions of Pleurotus cornucopiae. The first study investigated pasteurization and sterilization on different substrates on the yield and biological efficiency. The second study analyzed the influence of different substrates and moisture content on the mycelial … Continue reading Substrate Optimization | Pleurotus cornucopiae

Composted substrate VS Non-composted substrate | Button Mushroom Transcript The commercial production system of Agaricus bisporus relies entirely on composting to generate a mushroom-specific substrate. This process is energy, time, and labor-intensive and releasing odor and high nutrients into the environment. The goal of many researchers is, therefore, to find alternative processes and or substrates, which reduces on the one side the … Continue reading Composted substrate VS Non-composted substrate | Button Mushroom

How to Cultivate the Milky mushroom Transkript Cultivating mushrooms in a hot climate is a challenge. To overcome this issue, many different strategies can be applied. One of them is the use of a mushroom strain, which can handle the high temperature. Calocybe indica, better known as the milky mushroom, is such a mushroom. Let's compare this mushroom with the … Continue reading How to Cultivate the Milky mushroom

How your cropping container can impact your mushroom yield

Influence of your cropping container

In today's article, I want to address the influence of your cropping or substrate container on the yield and the size of your mushroom. Type of substrate container When it comes to the cultivation of mushrooms, many kinds of cropping containers can be used. This is especially true for small mushroom farmers. You can use … Continue reading How your cropping container can impact your mushroom yield